Stupefying Jones at the Broadway Bears and Mimi Visits Toy Fair and the Met Museum

Julie NewBear Front

Julie NewBear 'Lil Abner, 2010

Julie Newmar 'Lil Abner

Julie Newmar

I spent last weekend in Manhattan. It was the weekend for International Toy Fair and the Broadway Bear Auction.  My dear friends Carol and Ben Mitchell are gracious enough to put me up whenever I  need to stay in the city. Needless to say, I am most grateful.

Maryanne Oldenburg and her lovely granddaughter Megan arrived at the apartment before I did.  Usually Dianne Keeler and Adele Sciortino attend as well. They both created bears for the event but this year Diane had family obligations and Adele was back in her hometown of New Orleans playing Queen Mother to her daughter who was elected Mardi Gras Queen this year.

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