General Update: Screaming Mimis, Work-in-Progress, Cancer Report, Next Project, Earth Angels, Help Wanted

Hi Everybody.

I have a bunch of stuff today and the first item is related to the Screaming Mimis, I originally posted this to the Screaming Mimi’s, but the new Yahoo interface is poorly designed. It took me a long time to figure out how to post. I’m posting here, in case you didn’t get it there.

 Thank you Sandra for doing a thorough job of finding us alternatives. You’re doing exactly the right thing by looking for the simplest, easy-to-use, format. I had a great deal of trouble just figuring out how to post, now that Yahoo is still messed up. We both really appreciate your work! Without you it wouldn’t have happened.

Mimi is working on refurbishing some of her class-sample dolls. She has some good gallery opportunities through the Southwest Florida Fine Craft Guild. Her next series will be elves and fairies. She needs a doll that is simple and fast to make because the chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) won’t let her hands work for long periods of time at the same thing. The elves are simpler to sew, simpler to stuff, simpler to pose, and simpler to dress. The trick is to make them sophisticated while simple.

Mimi has had 6-weeks of intensive therapy for her hands and feet, and is doing almost everything again, including driving, but in smaller doses. Over the next  three or four weeks, we should have the results back from the scans, and know what’s happened to the cancer.

I have completely rewritten Mimi’s Earth Angels. This was our second book. Earth Angels is for a 24″ fashion doll. The patterns include both 17″ and 24″ dolls and 160, 8-1/2 by 11″ pages of storyboard, picture-by-picture, photos. There are slightly over 1,000 photos. The costumes include bikini/underwear, tank top, man-tailored shirt with variations, shorts/slacks/jeans, shoes, and a crocheted jacket. The instructions show you how to adjust costume patterns to fit your dolls.

It should be ready to go out near the beginning of November. It is too big to fit on a CD, so we have put it on a DVD-ROM (which most computers can read – it is NOT for TV viewing).

We need some help. We need 2 more proof-readers. Since a lot of the text was read in from a printed copy of the book, our 99% accurate optical character reader program has one character wrong every 100 characters. It’s a big book. If you like proof-reading, and are good at it, you may be able to help us. Here’s what’s involved:

You do NOT have to make a doll.

1. Download the draft copy of the patterns and book. It is 1.2 Gigabytes long. It takes an hour to download here on Comcast cable. It took 6 hours in Berkley, CA on an independent Internet service provider. It may also seriously eat into your data-cap as it will take as much data as a two hour movie.

2. Read it over and make notes on anything you find wrong. put the notes in an email to me so I can make corrections. I need to know by page and location, exactly where the problem is, and what is wrong. We’re using email because markup and return files takes too much time and data.

3. Please get it done in the next week so we can get it out in early November. I’ll be working on the packaging and web page while you are reading.

The time or data cost for downloading may be a problem. The need to read rapidly may be a problem.

You’ll get a copy of the published Storyboard Workshop DVD-ROM.

The final price is expected to be about $25 for the download with shipping added for DVD-ROM. I expect there to be some kind of price break for Christmas for both  Mimi’s Earth Angels, and also on a single DVD-ROM containing all three of the knit-fabric storyboard books, Mimi’s Adam and Eva, Mimi’s Earth Angels, and Mimi’s Universal Toddler.

Anyway, if you’re interested in helping by proof-reading, please drop me an email at: Jim (at) JimWiner (dot) Com. I’m sorry, I have to limit this to 2 proof-readers.

Happy Dolling,


Join Mimi for an Online Chat! – Sale Goes On

Mimi’s Christmas sale is still going on. Get 20% off DVD sets and most E-patterns.
(Opens a new tab.)

Mimi will be online for a chat with dollmakers on:

Friday, December 2, from 7-9 pm Eastern time and

Sunday, December 4, from 6-8 pm Eastern time.

We have two NEW FREE videos to show you how to get to the chat room.

Join the Screaming Mimis Workshop Step 1 of 2 shows you how to get a FREE Yahoo! account that can be used for groups and email.

Be sure to put in a birthday that shows you at least 18 years old or you aren’t allowed in the chat room!

Join the Screaming Mimis Workshop Step 2 of 2 shows you how to join the workshop when you already have a Yahoo! account.

You need to sign in to Yahoo! with your Yahoo! account ID and not your regular email address to get to the chat room!

Check them out and come visit with Mimi Saturday, 12/2, and Sunday, 12/4/2011.
